Jacqui Roberts Webster
Cripplegate Ward By Election
2 November 2023

Labour has had the honour of representing City residents and businesses on Common Council since 2014.
My Pledges to you. If elected, I will:
- Join or three Labour Common Councillors in being a real voice for Cripplegate residents, workers and SMEs;
- Work to improve the health and wellbeing of residents, including through reducing air, noise and light pollution;
- Support other Councillors in demanding that living conditions in Golden Lane Estate are improved now;
- Advocate for improved social care; and
- Promote community led social action.
Promoted by Fred Rodgers at:
100 Breton House
Tel: +44 (0)20 7374 4277
Mob: +44 (0)7802 259782
on behalf of the City of London Labour Party branch
Do you want to get involved and continue to create Labour Party history in the City of London? Email us on citylabourbranch@gmail.com or contact Gordon directly.